Peruvian Herpetofauna Color Plates

Below is a collection of images of reptiles and amphibians collected from the Madre de Dios region of Peru (pictured below).

Photos are organized by taxonomic category. Click on an image to enlarge it.

Crocodilia (Crocodilians)

Alligatoridae (Alligators and caimans)

Testudinides (Turtles and Tortoises)

Chelidae (Side-necked turtles)

Podocnemididae (South American river turtles)

Testudinidae (Tortoises)

Squamata (Lizards, Snakes, and Amphisbaenids)

Lacertilia (Lizards and Skinks)


Dactyloidae (Anoles)

Gekkonidae (Geckos)

Gymnophthalmidae (Spectacled lizards)

Scincidae (Skinks)

Sphaerodactylidae (South American clawed geckos)

Teiidae (Whiptails)

Tropiduridae (Neotropical ground lizards)

Serpentes (Snakes)

Aniliidae (Pipesnakes)

Boidae (Boas)

Colubridae (Colubrids)

Elapidae (Elapids)

Typhlopidae (Blind snakes)

Viperidae (Vipers)

Amphibia (Frogs, Toads, Salamanders, and Caecelians)

Anura (Frogs and Toads)

Aromobatidae (Cryptic poison frogs)

Bufonidae (Toads)

Dendrobatidae (Poison dart frogs)

Centrolenidae (Glass frogs)

Ceratophryidae (Horned frogs)

Craugstoridae (Fleshbelly frogs)

Hylidae (Tree frogs)

Leptodactylidae (Thin-toed frogs)

Microhylidae (Microhylid frogs)

Gymnophiona (Legless caecelians)

Caeciliidae (Common caecelians)

Caudata (Newts and salamanders)

Plethodontidae (Lungless salamanders)